Best practice ScienceLink Nockberge? Benefits and challenges of five years of co-operation between biosphere reserves and university

Daniel Zollner, E.C.O. Institut für Ökologie, Klagenfurt (AT)

The paper reflects the benefits and challenges of five years of co-operation between the Carinthian part of the biosphere reserve "Salzburger Lungau & Kärntner Nockberge” and the Institute of Geography and Regional Studies at the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt. Biosphere reserves as recognised model regions for sustainable development are supposed to maintain permanent access to scientific findings, innovation, new technologies and scholarly discussions. Science_Linknockberge is an institutionalised cooperation between the biosphere reserve Kärntner Nockberge and Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. In their contribution, the authors reflect their experiences and argue that such a cooperation is mutually beneficial for all sides: the management of the biosphere reserve, the university as well as the region to which the biosphere reserve belongs. Bringing together two distinct institutions with different foci on management, research and education provides new opportunities and generates new networks for knowledge-based activities. However, the concepts and practices of a park management are very distinct to the concepts and practices at an academic institute and vice versa. Both follow a distinct "logic” in terms of priorities, time scales, decision making procedures and planning processes. Both, furthermore, address different issues and stakeholders. Thus, besides opportunities and new networks, the co-operation between park management and University creates rather unexpected inter-institutional challenges. The analysis of five years practised co-operation from the perspective of the academic partners will provide in-depth theoretical and practical implications and, thus, contribute to future co-operations.

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