Disturbance and recovery of Biological Soil Crusts (BSCs) in the high alpine region of the Hochtor (Grossglockner, Austria)

Thomas Peer, University of Salzburg (AT)

In the course of the pan-European BiodivERsA SCIN-project (Soil Crust International) an assessment of initial recovery were carried out over a period of 3 years at the Hochtor site. After complete elimination of any BSC and higher plant vegetation from the treatment plots, researches on cyanobacteria, plant succession, and soil properties have been started. In Hochtor, the re-colonisation by cyanobacteria was unexpected fast, however the regeneration of plants and soil proceeded very slowly. The results are being discussed with respect to the undisturbed control plots, alpine environment conditions, and to what extent the tested parameters are suitable for a long term monitoring.

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