SeisRockHT - Seismic Rockfall Monitoring in the Hohe Tauern region

Daniel Binder, ZAMG - Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna (AT)

SeisRockHT aims to investigate the long-term evolution of rockfall activity in the Hohe Tauern. SeisRockHT applies Open Hardware and Free Software products, which are continuously advanced to cope with the challenges of a long-term monitoring in harsh environments. The investigation sites are the high alpine north-faces of the Hoher Sonnblick and the Kitzsteinhorn. Due to the temporal unpredictability of individual rockfall events, a continuous observation strategy is targeted. This observation strategy is met by the installation of two seismological networks which was completed in the 2016 field season. The networks exhibit two fundamentally different characteristics. Whereas the smaller scaled Kitzsteinhorn-network focuses on a rock permafrost dominated site, the Sonnblick-network covers the bulk of the north-face. We are presenting the SeisRockHT networks as well as the first continuous field data of summer 2017.

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