ArcGIS-generated map of FFH-habitat types for Natura-2000 site Ennstaler Alpen/Gesäuse (Styria, Austria)

Thomas Zimmermann, Landscape Architect, Pernegg a. d. Mur (AT)

Presented is a map of FFH-habitat types of Natura 2000-area "Ennstaler Alpen/Gesäuse" set up by National Park Gesäuse. It combines terrestrial mappings and ArcGIS-modelled areas based on aerial photo analysis and forest stand types. The 26 evidenced FFH-habitat types cover 75% of the Natura 2000-area. Due to the alpine character, limestone rocks (8210, 8240), calcareous screes (8120, 8160), mountain pine bushes (4070), calcareous grasslands (6170) and natural spruce forests (9410), which surpass the deciduous forests (91E0, 9130, 9140, 9150, 9180) altogether, are the predominant habitat types.

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