Tough forage on alpine pastures? Nutritional value, phenology and stand structure of alpine pastures over 20 years

Albin Blaschka, AREC Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Irdning-Donnersbachtal (AT)

With the project presented, running from 2015-2018, nutritional value, phenology and the development dynamics of 16 alpine pastures in or close to the national park Gesäuse (Styria, Austria) are studied. With a comparison, based on data from the years 1993-1996 of ripening stages and development of raw fibre content of forage harvested and weather data, conclusions on temporal changes of energy content are drawn and guidance for good pasturing (stocking rate, start time of pasturing, duration) in the face of climatic changes can be given, also fulfilling requirements of animal welfare.

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