Let's cooperate: How collaborative governance approaches can help to address institutional fit in protection areas

Claudia Sattler, ZALF - Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e.V., Müncheberg (DE)

One critical challenge in environmental governance is to reach a good ‘institutional fit' that is to ensure that the governance structures put in place are spatially and temporally well-aligned to the ecosystems and ecosystem services they are meant to govern. In this context we analyze if collaborative governance approaches, involving partnerships between state, market and civil society actors, are better suited to reach institutional fit. The analysis is done based on examples from three European protection areas: the Biosphere reserve Spreewald, Germany, the Nature park Jauerling-Wachau, Austria, and the Berg en Dal region as part of the National Landscape Gelderse Poort, Netherlands.

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