The mass balance series of Stubacher Sonnblickkees 1946-2016 and the semi-direct calculation of the mass balance of glaciers. A contribution to LTER Austria

Bernhard Zagel, University of Salzburg (AT)

This poster presents the results of the semi-direct calculation of the annual mass balances of Stubacher Sonnblick Glacier in the heart of NP Hohe Tauern for the periods 1946-1963 and 1981-2016. They are based on annual measurements of the mass balance by the direct glaciological method carried out between 1964 and 1980. Together they make up a mass balance series of 70 years. The small east-facing glacier is situated north of and close to the main crest of the Hohe Tauern range (Eastern Alps). In 2016 it covered an area of 1 km² and terminated at an elevation of 2,650 m. The results and observations of the 17-year series allow the inference of several systematic relations between glaciological parameters and the annual mass balance.

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