Study on the introgression of hybrid poplar genes in the gene pool of black poplar in the Danube National Park

Micek Melanie, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)

The black poplar (Populus nigra) is one of the characteristic species of riparian forests. Plantation of hybrid poplars associated with the risk of hybrid poplar gene introgression in the populations of black poplars and the loss of habitat endanger the distribution of the black poplar. By the accession to the EU, Austria committed among others to protect the genetic diversity of indigenous species and woodlands. The ambition of this master thesis is to analyse the genetic composition of the black poplar population located in the Danube National Park to determine if hybrid poplar gene introgression in the black poplar population is taking place. The findings of this thesis are the basis for in-situ and ex-situ conservation of black poplars. The genetic material of 317 offspring and 104 adult poplars is investigated, paternity analysis is made and distribution-tendencies are shown. First of all the gene locus WIN3 is analysed, in further consequence 17 nuclear gene loci are investigated for the presence of hybrid poplar genes through microsatellite analysis. The programs R, Structure, Cervus and GenAlEx are used for this examination. The results show that introgression is taking place and about 9,8 % of the offspring contain hybrid poplar genes.

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