6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017

Please forward this link www.nationalparksaustria.at/symposium2017 to other interested scientists. Many thanks!

Download Programme 2017

Logos National Parks Austria and National Park Hohe Tauern

National Parks Austria (www.nationalparksaustria.at ) and Hohe Tauern National Park (www.hohetauern.at ) are pleased to invite you to present your latest protected areas research at the
6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 2 - 3 November 2017.

The symposium will be held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Salzburg, Austria.


At this symposium researchers, protected areas managers, as well as individuals from government, business, non-governmental organizations and the general public, who are interested in protected areas, may present and discuss topics which are highly significant for protected areas and are currently taken up by research. The manifold aspects of the interrelation between protection aims, protected area management and the impacts on nature, society and the regional economy in times of transition form the general thematic base of this international conference, held every four years since 1996.

Six of Austria's most ecologically valuable regions have been designated as national parks. They reflect the great diversity of this Central European country: high mountains, forests, water and riparian marshes, and steppes. Austria is part of two biogeographic regions: the alpine and the continental, and most of the Austrian national parks are part of two important regional networks for protected areas: ALPARC and DanubePARKS. In close cooperation with these regional networks, and supported by scientific institutions, we are looking for entries across the entire geographic region from the Western Alps to the Danube Delta.

Conference programme

In few words:

  • 2 conference days
  • 5 different subject areas
  • 21 different thematic sessions
  • 1 Poster session
  • 2 special evening programmes
    Please note: The final highlight of the Symposium 2017 will be the Nationalparks Austria Science Award Ceremony combined with the conclusion of this year's conference.
  • 101 speakers
  • 100 poster presentations
  • from more than 20 nations
  • 3 to 4 parallel sessions
  • time slots per session: usually 1.5 h, in 8 cases 2 h each
    Please note: we recommend not to shift between parallel running sessions, because the speaking time will be asynchron.

Programme Details Thursday 2 November 2017
Programme Details Friday 3 November 2017
Poster-Session Details 3 November 2017

Please note

Conference language will be English.
All contributions (talks and poster) will be published in a conference volume.
There will be no refunding of costs for travelling, accommodation and meals that are not included in the conference. We are unable to award grants.


If you have any questions, please contact:
Conference Secretary
Hohe Tauern National Park Salzburg
Gerlos Straße 18/2
A-5730 Mittersill
Email: symposium2017@salzburg.gv.at
phone: +43 (0)6562 40849