6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017

Logos National Parks Austria and National Park Hohe Tauern

Programme overview Friday 3 November 2017

Detailed programme Friday 3 November 2017

Room: Foyer

Parks & Land use

Session 5.1 Protected forest areas - lessons learned from long-term research
Room: HS 402 Blauer Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Harald Vacik, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)

Protected forest areas - lessons learned from long-term research
Harald Vacik, Session introduction | Abstract

Long term monitoring of natural regeneration in natural forest reserves in Austria
Harald Vacik | Abstract

Water availability as a key factor of forest dynamics in protected areas - long-term perspectives inferred from tree rings
Walter Oberhuber, University of Innsbruck (AT) | Abstract

From long-term ecosystem monitoring to regional modelling of ecosystem function in the Kalkalpen National Park, Austria
Thomas Dirnböck, Umweltbundesamt GmbH - Environment Agency Austria, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Naturalness and conservation status of forest habitats in the Hohe Tauern National Park Salzburg (Austria)
Ralf Klosterhuber, WLM - Büro für Vegetationsökologie und Umweltplanung Klosterhuber & Partner OEG, Innsbruck (AT) | Abstract

Integrated poster presentations:

Water-use strategies, survival potential and adaptation of conifer trees in the Swiss National Park under recent climatic changes
Olga Churakova (Sidorova), University of Geneva (CH) | Abstract

Capturing the effects of the Danube River incision on the potential natural vegetation of the Donau-Auen National Park
Anna Schöpfer, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Management

Session 5.2 Wilderness and process dynamics
Room: HS 401 Auditorium Maximum | Session description
Chair: Klaus Katzensteiner, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Co-Chair: Christoph Plutzar, Social Ecology Vienna, Klagenfurt University, Vienna (AT)

Open Wounds in Thin Skin: Soil Processes after Natural Disturbances
Klaus Katzensteiner, Key note | Abstract

Wilderness preserved? Representation of wild land within Austria's network of protected areas
Christoph Plutzar | Abstract

Patterns of Wilderness - en route to compiling an inventory of the national processes in Gesäuse National Park (Ennstaler Alps)
Michael Jungmeier (deputy for Corinna Hecke), E.C.O. Institut für Ökologie, Klagenfurt (AT) | Abstract

Natural forest dynamics following bark beetle outbreaks in the Berchtesgaden National Park - Forest structure and biodiversity during disturbance and succession
Maria-Barbara Winter, FVA - Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg, Freiburg (DE) | Abstract

Anthropogenic influence on glacier forefields- A study on three glacier forefields of the Austrian Central Alps
Marlon Schwienbacher, University of Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Integrated poster presentations:

Changes in Alpine grassland of Gran Paradiso National Park (Italy): first results from CO2 fluxes monitoring programme
Ilaria Baneschi, IGG - Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, CNR - National Research Council of Italy, Pisa (IT) | Abstract

Science and spontaneous restoration of wilderness in Europe
Vlado Vancura, European Wilderness Society, Tamsweg (AT) | Abstract

Assessment of forest wilderness in Kalkalpen National Park
Simone Mayrhofer, Kalkalpen National Park, Molln (AT) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Biodiversity

Session 5.3 Biodiversity shifts in a changing climate
Room: HS 403 Grüner Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Sonja Wipf, SLF - Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, WSL - Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Davos (CH)
Co-Chair: Harald Pauli, GLORIA Coordination - Center for Global Change and Sustainability, Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research (IGF) & University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), ÖAW - Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (AT)

Biodiversity shifts in a changing climate
Sonja Wipf & Harald Pauli, Session introduction | Abstract

Long-term changes in summit plant diversity in the Swiss National Park
Sonja Wipf, SLF - Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, WSL - Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Davos (CH) | Abstract

Species range dynamics decrease with elevation in the European Alps
Sabine Rumpf, University of Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Shifting composition and functioning in alpine plant communities - Evidence of climate warming effects from 14 years biodiversity observation in the Northeastern Alps
Klaus Steinbauer, GLORIA Coordination - Center for Global Change and Sustainability, Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research (IGF) & University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), ÖAW - Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Habitat selection of alpine chamois under different climatic conditions in the Alpine and Carpathian mountain chains
Andrej Oravec, Berchtesgaden National Park (DE) | Abstract

Integrated poster presentations:

Altitudinal shifts of Alpine grouses in the Veglia-Devero Natural Park, western Italian Alps
Radames Bionda, Aree protette dell'Ossola, Varzo (IT) | Abstract

Survival in little? Microhabitats as refugia of high-elevated plants in the Spanish Sierra Nevada
David Kienle, University of Bayreuth (DE) | Abstract

Winners and losers of climate change in the Central Alps
Lena Nicklas, University of Innsbruck (AT) | Abstract

Biodiversity monitoring in the NW Italian Alps: state and expected changes
Ramona Viterbi, Gran Paradiso National Park, Turin (IT) | Abstract

Bioclimatic indices in the context of biodiversity, Karkonosze Mts., SW Poland
Piotr Pawliczek, University of Wroclaw (PL) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Water

Session 5.4 Alpine headwaters and lakes
Room: HS 413 seminar room, 1st floor | Session description
Chair: Stefanie von Fumetti, University of Basel (CH)
Co-Chair: Leopold Füreder, University of Innsbruck (AT)

Ecology of springs in the Swiss National Park: first results and future plans
Stefanie von Fumetti, Key note | Abstract

Springs in the Bavarian National Parks as indicators for climate change
Gabi Leonhardt, Berchtesgaden National Park (DE) | Abstract

Top down effects of stocked fish in Alpine lakes
Robert Schabetsberger, University of Salzburg (AT) | Abstract

Springs in the National Park Gesäuse - hotspots of biodiversity
Christina Remschak, free-lances zoologist, Admont (AT) | Abstract

Feeding plasticity in alpine stream chironomids: evidence from river monitoring in the Hohe Tauern National Park
Georg Niedrist, University of Innsbruck (AT) | Abstract

Integrated poster presentations:

Index to evaluate the vulnerability to climate change of Mayfly, Stonefly and Caddisfly species in alpine springs
Daniel Küry, Life Science AG, Basel (CH) | Abstract

Faunistic assemblages of natural springs in different areas in the Swiss National Park
Lucas Blattner, University of Basel (CH) | Abstract

'Unterer Eisbodensee' - a good example for the future evolution of glacial lakes in Austria
Hans Wiesenegger, Hydrographic Service, Federal State Government Salzburg (AT) | Abstract

The impact of rock glaciers on the runoff of alpine catchments in protected areas of Austria
Thomas Wagner, University of Graz (AT) | Abstract

Glacial lake formation in Austria since the Little Ice Age (LIA)
Johannes Buckel, University of Salzburg (AT) | Abstract

chaired debate

30 min coffee break
Room: Foyer

Poster session

Poster-Session 6.0
Room: Foyer (Poster-Gallery)

Conference group photo
Room: The gathering place will be announced on site.

90 min lunch break
Room: Refectory

Parks & People

Session 7.1 Integrated planning and management policies for protected areas - a European perspective
Room: HS 402 Blauer Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Emma Salizzoni, Polytechnic of Turin, Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning, European Documentation Centre on Nature Park Planning, Turin (IT)
Co-Chair: Ingo Mose, University of Oldenburg (DE)

Integrated planning and management policies for protected areas - a European perspective
Emma Salizzoni & Ingo Mose, Session introduction | Abstract

Integrated planning of national parks and adjacent areas - possibilities and limits in cooperation for nature-based tourism and place making
Knut Björn Stokke, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas (NO) | Abstract

Governing peri-urban forestry: filling the regulation gap with Swiss "Nature-discovery-parks"?
Jerylee Wilkes-Allemann, NARP - Natural Resource Policy Group, University of Zurich (CH) | Abstract

The silician system of protected areas. Integrated planning and management policies for protected areas
Filippo Schilleci, University of Palermo (IT) | Abstract

Aspromonte National Park. The heart of the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria: design scenarios
Concetta Fallanca, University of Reggio Calabria (IT) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Management

Session 7.2 Managing wildlife in and around protected areas
Room: HS 401 Auditorium Maximum | Session description
Chair: Peter Brang, WSL - Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf (CH)
Co-Chair: Hannes Jenny, Department of Construction,
Transport and Forestry, Chur (CH)

Challenges for future wildlife management in and around protected areas
Peter Brang, Key note | Abstract

Where do red deer come from and where do they go?
Thomas Rempfler, Swiss National Park, Zernez (CH) | Abstract

Seasonal patterns of food use of wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) in a Central European floodplain forest
Elisabeth Knapp, University of Vienna (AT) | Abstract

The management of wild reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Hardangervidda National Park, Norway
Ole Reidar Vetaas, University of Bergen (NO) | Abstract

Local trophic cascading impact of wolves on tree regeneration in summer and winter areas of ungulates
Andrea Doris Kupferschmid, WSL - Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf (CH) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Water

Session 7.3 Fluvial landscapes in protected areas
Room: HS 413 HS 413 seminar room, 1st floor | Session description
Chair: Helmut Kudrnovsky, free-lances ecologist, Kematen (AT)
Co-Chair: Werner Lazowski, Technisches Büro für Ökologie, Wien (AT)

Fluvial landscapes - an important ecological dimension within European protected areas
Helmut Kudrnovsky & Werner Lazowski, Key note | Abstract

Restoring fluvial landscapes - effects on protected areas
Thomas Hein, WasserCluster Lunz, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna (AT) | Abstract

The current situation of the River Enns fishfauna around the Gesäuse National Park
Clemens Gumpinger, blattfisch e.U., Wels (AT) | Abstract

An improved bed load management for the Danube River in the Donau-Auen National Park. An application of the ‘principle Sisyphus'
Gerhard Klasz, Consulting Engineer, Vienna & Vienna University of Technology (AT) | Abstract

The recovery of ecologically and chemically impaired tributaries in the Podyí/Thayatal National Park
Christian Pichler-Scheder, blattfisch e.U., Wels (AT) | Abstract

chaired debate

30 min coffee break
Room: Foyer

Parks & Land use

Session 8.1 Protected areas' landscapes as resources for human health and well-being
Room: HS 402 Blauer Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Arne Arnberger, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT)
Co-Chair: Günter Köck, MAB National Commitee, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (AT)

Protected areas' landscapes as resources for human health and well-being - case studies from Austria
Arne Arnberger, Key note | Abstract

Nature therapy and green exercise as remedies for emerging civilization diseases
Arnulf Hartl, Paracelsus Medical University of Salzburg (AT) | Abstract

Effects of green exercise and waterfall aerosol on mucosal immunity and chronic stress. A randomized controlled clinical trial
Carina Grafetstaetter, Paracelsus Medical University of Salzburg (AT) | Abstract

The Alpine Health Region Salzburg - an evidence-based health tourism approach for the valorization of natural resources within and outside protected areas
Christina Pichler, Paracelsus Medical University of Salzburg (AT) | Abstract

Nature tourists and national parks: how important are nature and the protection status of an area for visitors?
Christine Bild, University of Marburg (DE) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Management

Session 8.2 Conservation conflicts in protected areas
Room: HS 401 Auditorium Maximum | Session description
Chair: Valerie Braun, Institute of Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, Innsbruck (AT)
Co-Chair: Astrid Wallner, Swiss Park Research, Swiss Academies of Science and Arts, Bern (CH)

Conservation conflicts in protected areas
Astrid Wallner, Session introduction | Abstract

Trajectories of protected area creation in the Austrian Alps: two case studies
Valerie Braun, Institute of Interdisciplinary Mountain Research, Innsbruck (AT) | Abstract

Managing externally caused impacts on protected ecosystems in a long-term perspective - lessons learnt from the Swiss National Park
Thomas Scheurer, Research Council of the Swiss National Park, Bern (CH) | Abstract

Benefits of mosquito surveillance programs in protected areas: two case reports from Eastern Austria
Carina Zittra, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Conflict Management - Case studies from the Austrian Natural Forest Reserve Programme
Herfried Steiner (deputy for Janine Oettel), BFW - Federal Research Centre for Forests, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Analysing impact of drivers and pressures on the conservation goals of protected areas along a large navigable river, the Danube River
Andrea Funk, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

The Vertigo Effect: Institutional dynamics in nature conservation
Christina Pichler-Koban, University of Klagenfurt, E.C.O. Institut für Ökologie, Klagenfurt (AT) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Biodiversity

Session 8.3 Biodiversity - conservation in protected areas - part II (diversity)
Room: HS 403 Grüner Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Harald Zechmeister, University of Vienna (AT)
Co-Chair: Peter Zulka, Umweltbundesamt GmbH - Environment Agency Austria, Vienna (AT)

Ferns in the spray: the pteridophyte flora of the Krimml Waterfalls
Oliver Stöhr, REVITAL Integrative Naturraumplanung GmbH, Nussdorf-Debant (AT) | Abstract

Biodiversity and forest structures at the Zurich Wilderness Park Sihlwald
Elena Haeler, HAFL - School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences, University of Bern (CH) | Abstract

Impact of inundation regime and meadow management on wild bee communities and bee-flower networks in the Donau-Auen National Park
Ulrich Neumüller, University of Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Assessing small mammal community diversity with minimally invasive field methods - examples from the Gesäuse National Park
Christine Blatt, apodemus - Privates Institut für Wildtierbiologie OG, Haus im Ennstal (AT) | Abstract

Temporal variability of bacterial communities in cryoconite on an Alpine glacier
Roberto Azzoni, University of Milano (IT) | Abstract

chaired debate

30 min break

Gala Evening, National Parks Austria Science Award 2017 ceremony
Room: HS 401 Auditorium Maximum

Erich Mayrhofer, chair of the National Parks Austria association, Molln (AT)

Résumé on the 6th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017 as seen from the perspective of science
Thomas Scheurer, Research Council of the Swiss National Park, Bern (CH)

Résumé on the 6th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017 as seen from the perspective of National Parks Austria
Wolfgang Urban, executive managing director, Hohe Tauern National Park Salzburg, Mittersill (AT)

National Parks Austria Science Award 2017 ceremony
Awarded by: Andrä Rupprechter, Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management
Chaired by: Carl Manzano, Donau-Auen National Park, Orth (AT)

Closure and Acknowledgments
Erich Mayrhofer

Gala buffet