6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017

Logos National Parks Austria and National Park Hohe Tauern

Parks & Management Poster-Presentations

No. First Author Presentation title
1 Melissa Bergmann, Biodiversity Department, Rio Grande do Sul State (BR) Environmental damages in the Atlantic Forest Biome - a case study
2 Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze, WasserCluster Lunz, Inter-University Center for Aquatic Ecosystem Research, Lunz/See (AT) How ship-induced wave trains affect periphyton communities in regulated rivers
3 Sonja Bürgi, Swiss Academies of Science and Arts, Bern (CH) Increasing interest in research on protected areas in Switzerland
4 Lukas Fritz, University of Innsbruck (AT) YOUrALPS - Integrating young people's concepts, educators' teaching principles and stakeholders educational tasks for a trans-formation of education and society towards sustainability in the Alps
5 Roman Graf, Swiss Ornithological Institute, Sempach (CH) Biology, conservation, and promotion of Skylark populations in subalpine and alpine zones within the Beverin-Naturpark, Switzerland
6 Sabine Hennig, University of Salzburg (AT) The use of crowdsourced (spatial) data in visitor management.
Discussed by the example of a visitor hotspot in Berchtesgaden National Park.
7 Simona Imperio, IGG - Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, CNR - National Research Council of Italy, Pisa (IT) Effects of protection status, climate, and water management of rice fields on long-term population dynamics of herons and egrets in north-western Italy
8 Anne Kasper-Giebl, Vienna University of Technology (AT) Lab above the clouds - Sonnblick Observatory and Nationalpark Hohe Tauern
9 Sarah Kerle, University of Innsbruck (AT) The Tyrolean Alps LTSER platform - connecting science and people
10 Markus Keuschnig, GEORESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Salzburg (AT) Open Air Lab Kitzsteinhorn (OpAL) - Open Innovation in High Altitude
11 Anastasia Knorre, State Nature Reserve "Stolby", Krasnoyarsk (RU) 90-year history of observations of natural processes in the Stolby Reserve (Siberia): experience, results, prospects
12 Günter Köck, MAB National Commitee, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (AT) Research in protected areas funded by the Austrian National Committee for UNESCO's 'Man and the Biosphere' programme
13 Iris Oberklammer, University of Vienna (AT) Dianthus plumarius subsp. blandus - Monitoring under extreme conditions
14 Gabriela Manea, University of Bucharest (RO) Interspecific relationships within Romania's protected areas. Case study: the cohabitation between Homo sapiens sapiens - Ursus arctos arctos, in Harghita Mountains
15 Christian Newesely, University of Innsbruck (AT) Climatological reference data of a newly established long-term monitoring program in the central Alps
16 Francesca Pittino, University of Milano (IT) Bacterial communities changes in cryoconite on an alpine glacier
17 Barbara Riedler, University of Salzburg (AT) Using an aggregated remote sensing-based habitat quality index for the identification of spatially targeted conservation measures
18 Larisa Semernya, UN Environment, Vienna Programme Office, Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention, Vienna (AT) Waste management in mountain protected areas
19 Iuliana Vijulie, University of Bucharest (RO) Old-grown forests of Romania: between conservation and destruction. Case studies: Retezat and Domogled-Cerna Valley National Parks
20 Elisabeth Weinke, University of Salzburg (AT) Interactive web services for landslide and habitat monitoring