6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017

Logos National Parks Austria and National Park Hohe Tauern

Programme overview Thursday 2 November 2017

Detailed programme Thursday 2 November 2017

Room: Foyer

Room: HS 401 Auditorium Maximum

Parks & People

Session 1.1 Parks objectives in transformation: What are parks for and why do we want them?
Room: HS 401 Auditorium Maximum | Session description
Chair: Norman Backhaus, University of Zurich (CH)
Co-Chair: Olivier Graefe, University of Fribourg (CH)

Parks objectives in transformation: What are parks for and why do we want them?
Norman Backhaus & Olivier Graefe, Key note | Abstract

"What is a national park for?” - Principles of worth in a Swiss national park project.
Annina Michel, University of Zurich (CH) | Abstract

Connecting nature, local cultures and tourism in subarctic landscape - a case study of local communities attached to the Varanger Peninsula National Park in Northern Norway
Morten Clemetsen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas (NO) | Abstract

Transforming imagination - the role of parks in regional sustainable development processes
Jens Badura, berg_kulturbüro Ramsau (DE) | Abstract

chaired debate

30 min coffee break
Room: Foyer

Parks & Land use

Session 2.1 Sustainable agriculture in protected areas
Room: HS 402 Blauer Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Gregory Egger, Naturraumplanung Egger e.U., Klagenfurt (AT)
Co-Chair: Susanne Aigner, eb&p Umweltbüro GmbH, Klagenfurt (AT)

Modeling grazing intensity of grassland
Gregory Egger, Key note | Abstract

Sustainable regional development approaches in Alpine biosphere reserves - Farmers' perceptions
Heidi Humer-Gruber, Institute for interdisciplinary mountain research, Innsbruck (AT) | Abstract

The effects of mountain farming on biodiversity - monitoring and evaluation of vegetation changes at managed and abandoned mountain pastures in the Gesaeuse National Park (Styria, Austria) in a ten years timescale
Claudia Plank, Agricultural Research and Education Centre Raumberg-Gumpenstein (AT) | Abstract

An applicaton example for modeling grazing intensity: Hohe Tauern National Park
Susanne Aigner | Abstract

A regional assessment of functional diversity in different grassland systems
Christian Rossi, Swiss National Park, Zernez (CH) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Management

Session 2.2 Bridging science and management in protected areas
Room: HS 403 Grüner Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Isabelle Arpin, Irstea - National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture, Grenoble (FR)
Co-Chair: Astrid Wallner, Swiss Park Research, Swiss Academies of Science and Arts, Bern (CH)

Collaboration between researchers and protected area managers - Empirical insights
Isabelle Arpin, Key note | Abstract

Ecosystem services and pressures in European protected areas: divergent views of environmental scientists and managers
Hermann Hummel, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Yerseke (NL) | Abstract

Best practice ScienceLink Nockberge? Benefits and challenges of five years of co-operation between biosphere reserves and university
Daniel Zollner, E.C.O. Institut für Ökologie, Klagenfurt (AT) | Abstract

Adaptive management at the Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Israel: Expectations vs. Reality in a dry Mediterranean ecosystem
Liat Hadar, Ramat Hanadiv Nature Park, Zikhron Ya'akov (IL) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Biodiversity

Session 2.3 The different dimensions of ecological connectivity
Room: HS 401 Auditorium Maximum | Session description
Chair: Yann Kohler, ALPARC - Alpine Network of Protected Areas, Chambery (FR)
Co-Chair: Filippo Favilli, EURAC Research, Bozen (IT)

Ecological connectivity in the Alps and beyond - a long term challenge
Yann Kohler, Key note | Abstract

Identification of animal-vehicle collisions hotspots in South Tyrol: preliminary analysis and further steps
Filippo Favilli, Key note | Abstract

Ecological Connectivity and its contribution to a Green Economy
Yann Kohler, ALPARC - Alpine Network of Protected Areas, Chambery (FR) | Abstract

Experimental long-term evaluation of a campaign to reduce freeriding-wildlife conflicts of snow sports
Marcel Hunziker, WSL - Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Birmensdorf (CH) | Abstract

How hunting and legal regulations shape ecological connectivity in the alpine region
Jonas Kahlen, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna (AT) | Abstract

chaired debate

90 min lunch break
Room: Refectory

Parks & Land use

Session 3.1 Protected areas governance and ecosystem services
Room: HS 402 Blauer Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Angela Meyer, IDC - Organisation for International Dialogue and Conflict Management, Vienna (AT)
Co-Chair: Claudia Sattler, ZALF - Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e.V., Müncheberg (DE)

Protected areas governance and ecosystem services
Angela Meyer, Session introduction | Abstract

Shifting protected area strategies to evidence based governance and management
Engelbert Ruoss, Global Regions Initiative, San Nicolò di Comelico, (IT) | Abstract

Participatory modelling for understanding consequences of management choices on ecosystem services and biodiversity in protected areas
Uta Schirpke, EURAC Research, Bozen (IT) | Abstract

Tackling jointly the challenges of rural development and biodiversity conservation in protected areas
Gregor Giersch, IDC - Organisation for International Dialogue and Conflict Management, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Can collaborative governance approaches enhance the spatio-temporal fit between agricultural related ecosystem services?
Claudia Bethwell, ZALF - Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung e.V., Müncheberg (DE) | Abstract

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Parks & Management

Session 3.2 Analysis of land cover changes
Room: HS 403 Grüner Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Annette Lotz, Berchtesgaden National Park (DE)
Co-Chair: Daniel Kreiner, Nationalpark Gesäuse GmbH, Admont (AT)

Analysis of land cover changes
Annette Lotz, Session introduction | Abstract

Landscape monitoring in Berchtesgaden National Park - comparative spatio-temporal analysis of land cover inventories
Annette Lotz | Abstract

Remote sensing based comprehensive monitoring of land cover change in protected areas
Luisa Gedon, University of Potsdam (DE) | Abstract

CORINE for large-scale monitoring of protected areas in Europe
Ariane Walz, University of Potsdam (DE) | Abstract

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Parks & Biodiversity

Session 3.3 Biodiversity - conservation in protected areas - part I (conservation)
Room: HS 401 Auditorium maximum | Session description
Chair: Andreas Maletzky, University of Salzburg (AT)
Co-Chair: Peter Zulka, Umweltbundesamt GmbH - Environment Agency Austria, Vienna (AT)

What is biodiversity, how can it be quantified and prioritised and what does that mean for Austrian National Parks?
Peter Zulka, Key note | Abstract

Uniqueness of protected areas based on priority species as a potential driver of conservation strategies in Europe
Samuel Hoffmann, University of Bayreuth (DE) | Abstract

Conservation of the yellow-bellied toad in Gesäuse National Park: collecting baseline data
Magdalena Baumgartner, University of Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Indicators for good management of protected areas
Urs Tester, Pro Natura, Basel (CH) | Abstract

Threats of climate change to single island endemic species in protected areas
Carl Beierkuhnlein, University of Bayreuth (DE) | Abstract

chaired debate

30 min coffee break
Room: Foyer

Parks & People

Session 4.1 Parks and people - reconciling park management with local and regional development
Room: HS 402 Blauer Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Heino Meessen, CDE - Center for Development and Environment, University of Bern (CH)
Co-Chair: Juraj Svajda, Matej Bel University, Banska Bystrica (SK)

Participatory Management of Protected Areas in Slovakia: Reconciling nature conservation and local development
Heino Meessen, Key note | Abstract

Interactions, challenges and management issues at the fringe of National Parks: The case of the Riding Mountain Biosphere Reserve, Manitoba, Canada
Christoph Stadel, University of Salzburg (AT) | Abstract

Aspects of carrying capacities and recreation management: The case of Triglav National Park, Slovenia
Irena Mrak, Environmental Protection College, Velenje (SI) | Abstract

Park-labeled products as a tool for innovation and regional development
Florian Knaus, UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Entlebuch, Schuepfheim (CH) | Abstract

National parks and Natura 2000 sites in Polish Carpathians vs local people: changing attitudes within the past 10 years
Agata Warchalska-Troll, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (PL) | Abstract

Integrated poster presentations:

Community building as the key to nature protection
Dominik Noll, Social Ecology Vienna, Klagenfurt University, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Influencing behaviour of visitors and residents in protected areas
Kai Elmauer, Elmauer Institute, Hallbergmoos (DE) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Management

Session 4.2 Progress in long-term research and monitoring
Room: HS 403 Grüner Hörsaal | Session description
Chair: Thomas Scheurer, Research Council of the Swiss National Park, Bern (CH)
Co-Chair: Alois Herzig, University of Vienna (AT)

Progress in long-term research and monitoring
Thomas Scheurer & Alois Herzig, Session introduction | Abstract

Life at the limit under climate change - long term ecological monitoring in the Hohe Tauern National Park
Christian Körner, University of Basel (CH) | Abstract

Monitoring Alpine rivers: recent progress and future challanges
Leopold Füreder, University of Innsbruck (AT) | Abstract

Long term-monitoring of birds reveals drastic changes in the bird communities at Neusiedler See - Seewinkel National Park
Michael Dvorak, BirdLife Austria, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Rain, cost or publicity - what determines variation in visitor numbers of the Swiss National Park?
Pia Anderwald, Swiss National Park, Zernez (CH) | Abstract

Integrated poster presentations:

Design, implementation and performance of an ecosystem monitoring program in biosphere reserves
Vera Luthardt, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (DE) | Abstract

Disturbance and recovery of Biological Soil Crusts (BSCs) in the high alpine region of the Hochtor (Grossglockner, Austria)
Thomas Peer, University of Salzburg (AT) | Abstract

SeisRockHT - Seismic Rockfall Monitoring in the Hohe Tauern region
Daniel Binder, ZAMG - Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Monitoring of Saharan dust - influence on aerosol composition and snow chemistry
Marion Greilinger, ZAMG - Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

chaired debate

Parks & Biodiversity

Session 4.3 Endemic species - a neglected biodiversity treasure?!
Room: HS 401 Auditorium maximum | Session description
Chair: Christian Komposch, OEKOTEAM - Institute for Animal Ecology and Landscape Planning, Graz (AT)
Co-Chair: Wolfgang Paill, Centre of Natureal History, Universalmuseum Joanneum Graz (AT)

Endemic species - a neglected biodiversity treasure?!
Christian Komposch, Key note | Abstract

Temporal and spatial variability of bedrock, debris and glaciers in the Austrian Alps since the Alpine Last Glacial Maximum and its relevance for ecological research
Gerhard Lieb, University of Graz (AT) | Abstract

Unique and highly threatened - endemic plants at the cold edge of southern Europe
Andrea Lamprecht, GLORIA Coordination - Center for Global Change and Sustainability, Institute for Interdisciplinary Mountain Research (IGF) & University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), ÖAW - Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Where do endemics reside? Endemic beetles in the Gesäuse National Park (Austria) and their relevance for management
Sandra Aurenhammer, OEKOTEAM - Institute for Animal Ecology and Landscape Planning, Graz (AT) | Abstract

Are we willing and are we able to protect endemic species from becoming extinct?
Ute Pöllinger, Umweltanwaltschaft Steiermark, Graz (AT) | Abstract

Integrated poster presentations:

Dianthus plumarius subsp. blandus - distribution and habitat features
Walter Köppl, University of Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Endemism below the species rank: Population genetics of the European Mudminnow (Umbra krameri)
Josef Wanzenböck, Research Institute for Limnology Mondsee, University of Innsbruck (AT) | Abstract

Endemic vascular plants in the high mountains of the Sierra Nevada National Park (Spain)
Pia Eibes, University of Bayreuth (DE) | Abstract

The land snail fauna of the Gesäuse National Park
Johannes Volkmer, OEKOTEAM - Institute for Animal Ecology and Landscape Planning, Graz (AT) | Abstract

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Parks & Water

Session 4.4 The cryosphere in a warming climate
Room: HS 413 seminar room, 1st floor | Session description
Chair: Andrea Fischer, Institute for interdisciplinary mountain research, Innsbruck (AT)
Co-Chair: Jan-Christoph Otto, University of Salzburg (AT)

The cryosphere in a warming climate
Andrea Fischer, Session introduction | Abstract

Glacial mass balance as indicator of warming climate in a protected area: the case of the Sforzellina Glacier, Stelvio National Park
Claudio Smiraglia, University of Milan (IT) | Abstract

From annual glacier mass balances towards a remote monitoring of near real-time mass changes
Bernhard Hynek, ZAMG - Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Predicting future glacial lakes in Austria - preliminary results
Jan-Christoph Otto, University of Salzburg (AT) | Abstract

Seasonal snow cover evolution in the Nationalparks Austria since 1961
Roland Koch (deputy for Marc Olefs), ZAMG - Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Vienna (AT) | Abstract

Long-term monitoring of climate-sensitive cirques in the Hohe Tauern range
Ingo Hartmeyer, GEORESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Salzburg (AT) | Abstract

Unexpected larval development in a highly-glaciated headwater
Stefan Schütz, University of Innsbruck (AT) | Abstract

Integrated poster presentations:

Rock glaciers - prominent landforms in (protected areas of) Austria
Thomas Wagner, University of Graz (AT) | Abstract

The evolution of debris mantling glaciers in the Stelvio Park (Italian Alps) over the time window 2003-2012 from high resolution remote-sensing data
Roberto Azzoni, University of Milan (IT) | Abstract

Temporal Evolution of glacier albedo in the Ortles-Cevedale group between 1984 and 2015
Davide Fugazza, University of Milan (IT) | Abstract

Snowiness and their long-term variability (1961-2015) in the Karkonosze Mts. and in the Izera Mts. (SW Poland, N Czechia)
Krzysztof Migala, University of Wroclaw (PL) | Abstract

chaired debate

120 min individual break

Public evening, in German
Room: HS 401 Auditorium Maximum
Chair: Ulrike Berninger, University of Salzburg, Department of Ecology & Evolution

Whatsalp Wien - Nizza 2017. Eine Fußreise durch die Alpen und ihre Großschutzgebiete.
Dominik Siegrist, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil (CH) & Kernteam whatsalp | Abstract
