6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas 2017

Logos National Parks Austria and National Park Hohe Tauern

Parks & Biodiversity Poster-Presentations

No. First Author Presentation title
1 Cristiana Cerrato, Gran Paradiso National Park, Turin (IT) A multi-taxa approach in mountain ecosystems: a shared protocol between 6 Italian Parks
2 Lucrezia Forti, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Trento (IT) Sustainable hunting plan as a tool of wildlife management: the Italian case
3 Christian Hedinger, UNA Atelier für Naturschutz und Umweltfragen, Bern (CH) How can Swiss Regional Nature Parks improve the functionality of the ecological infrastructure? Pilot-scheme in two Nature Parks in the Canton of Berne
4 Barbara Hönigsberger, University of Vienna (AT) Wintering birds in floodplain forests- Effects of vegetation structure and landscape composition on species assemblages
5 Alexander Maringer, Gesäuse National Park, Admont (AT) Biodiversity Assessment in Gesäuse National Park
6 Christian Rixen, SLF - Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research, WSL - Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, Davos (CH) Long-term changes in alpine tundra vegetation: 25 years of the International Tundra Experiment ITEX
7 Leopold Slotta-Bachmayr, University of Salzburg (AT) Advanced livestock protection in protected areas
8 Herfried Steiner, BFW - Federal Research Centre for Forests, Vienna (AT) Detecting a change in diversity of vascular plants in the natural forest reserve "Gaisberg” - a comparison of a systematic and representative sample approach
9 Harald Vacik, BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (AT) The Fagetum in the natural forest reserve Luxensteinwand - a rare element in the Waldviertel region
10 Karin Widerin, KFFÖ - Austrian Coordination Centre for Bat Conservation and Research, Leonding (AT) Bat activity above 3000 m in the Austrian Alps (Hoher Sonnblick, 3106 m)
11 Thomas Zimmermann, Landscape Architect, Pernegg a. d. Mur (AT) ArcGIS-generated map of FFH-habitat types for Natura-2000 site Ennstaler Alpen/Gesäuse (Styria, Austria)